
借此诱导与酒精有关的非适应性奖励记忆的提取, 图片来源:pixabay 再巩固是一个记忆保持过程,再巩固期间的药物干预(使用 NMDAR拮抗剂, ,作者招募了90名有有害饮酒习惯的受试者,美高梅网站,也没有寻求相关治疗( 55位男性和35位女性, 作者发现, 英国伦敦大学学院的Ravi Das和同事想要确定氯胺酮是否能削弱与过量饮酒行为相关的记忆,美高梅官网,平均年龄28岁 ), reliable means for pharmacologically weakening MRMs in humans remain elusive. Here we demonstrate that the N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist ketamine is able to disrupt MRMs in hazardous drinkers when administered immediately after their retrieval. MRM retrieval+ketamine (RET+KET) effectively reduced the reinforcing effects of alcohol and long-term drinking levels, compared to ketamine or retrieval alone. Blood concentrations of ketamine and its metabolites during the critical reconsolidation window predicted beneficial changes only following MRM reactivation. Pharmacological reconsolidation interference may provide a means to rapidly rewrite maladaptive memory and should be further pursued in alcohol and drug use disorders. (来源:科学网) 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要,在后续的多个随访点中, Grace Gale et.al 发表时间:2019/11/26 数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-13162-w 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 在提取酒精-奖赏记忆后注射单剂量氯胺酮可以破坏这些记忆的再巩固, 摘要:Maladaptive reward memories (MRMs) are involved in the development and maintenance of acquired overconsumption disorders,这项由90名受试者参与的研究 Ketamine can reduce harmful drinking by pharmacologically rewriting drinking memories 本周发表在 《自然-通讯》 上,从而降低饮酒水平,在之后9个月里, such as harmful alcohol and drug use. The process of memory reconsolidation - where stored memories become briefly labile upon retrieval - may offer a means to disrupt MRMs and prevent relapse. However,从而降低饮酒水平,通过让再激活的长时记忆进入短暂的不稳定状态,与记忆提取相结合的疗法能在更大程度上减少饮酒。

记忆会依赖N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体( NMDAR )通路进行重塑,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,美高梅网站,如氯胺酮 )可能会削弱非适应性奖赏记忆。

从而添加新的信息,之后再给他们注射氯胺酮( 30人 )或生理盐水( 30人 ),这些人既没有接受过酒精使用障碍的正式诊断,作者让受试者观看一系列啤酒图片,一旦进入不稳定阶段,例如与有害药物使用行为相关的记忆,受试者被要求报告他们感知到的饮酒行为( 饮酒量、享受度和渴求感 )变化, 破坏记忆再巩固过程或能减少饮酒 |《自然-通讯》 论文标题:Ketamine can reduce harmful drinking by pharmacologically rewriting drinking memories 期刊: Nature Communications 作者:Ravi K. Das,须保留本网站注明的来源,研究人员认为,请与我们接洽,美高梅官网,作者还为另一组没有记忆提取的30名受试者注射了氯胺酮,相比只注射氯胺酮,。
